Las 50 celebridades que han desafiado el tiempo con sus cuerpos de playa


Demi Moore (59)

Here are Demi Moore’s secrets on how she maintains her youthful appearance. Her workouts are intense when she is getting ready for a job; we are talking about three hours of exercise followed by a six-mile run. If she does not have a film project in the works, she concentrates on remaining in shape and tone by focusing on her difficulty spots. It is her arms, stomach, and lower body that she is concerned about.

En la medida de lo posible, Moore consume alimentos orgánicos y naturales. Normalmente sigue una dieta vegana cruda, que excluye todos los alimentos cocinados de su dieta. Uma Thurman y Natalie Portman, entre otras, se han unido a esta tendencia.


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