Los días de Elin Nordegren antes de Tiger Woods.

Elin Maria Pernilla Nordegren, nacida el 1 de enero de 1980, es originaria de Estocolmo, Suecia. Su madre, Barbro Holmberg, es una política; mientras que su padre, Thomas Nordegren, es periodista de radio. Ambos son figuras públicas influyentes en su país. Elin tiene dos hermanos: un hermano mayor llamado Axel y una hermana gemela llamada Josefin.
Though their parents were ‘minor celebrities’, Elin and Josefin weren’t spoiled at all. Instead, they learned to earn their keep. The twins worked regular jobs, such as being supermarket cashiers, in order to pay for their education. This hard work paid off for Elin in many ways, eventually giving her the discipline needed to graduate with honors from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, four years after her divorce from Tiger. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.